Our experts


  • Mr. Krzysztof Krudysz, managing director of ABM Fast Solutions, master degree in Sociology (2011), current a lecturer at Institute of Sociology of University of Rzeszów (since 2016), on the market of research services operates since 2011, participated in over 80 quantitative and qualitative research projects (both social and market researches) for polish companies and institutions, since 2013 coordinated or participated in about 100 fieldwork researches, qualitative researcher (FGI and IDI) in many projects, also scientific projects “Model of activation of local communities and IT tools through Co-design” (MASIT_COD) “co-financed by the Polish National Center for Research and Development under the Social Innovation Program (2016), collabolator of Research and Knowledge Transfer Centre of University Of Ekonomics in Katowice. Business Network International member. In ABM Fast Solutions responsible for research design and management of research projects (creation of research concepts; design of schedules, cost estimates and research tools). Experienced in qualitative analysis (QDA Miner) and quantitative (Statistica). Specializes in customer satisfaction surveys.

  • Mrs. Bogna Kuśnierz, fieldwork team manager of ABM Fast Solutions, master degree in Sociology (2001), On the market of research services operates since 2009, she has coordinated about 150 social and market research projects, often nationwide. Experience in research gained working for global research agencies such as Millward Brown, Gfk, IPSOS and also in evaluations of projects financed from EU funds in south-eastern Poland. In ABM Fast Solutions responsible for research design and management of research projects (creation of research concepts; design of schedules, cost estimates and research tools; quality control of field surveys; training of interviewers and auditors; coordination and implementation of field studies), huge experience in moderation of qualitative research (conducting FGI and IDI) experience in qualitative (Atlast.ti, QDA Miner) and quantitative analysis (SPSS, Statistica). Specializes mostly in coordinatrion of CAPI/PAPI techniques and mystery shopping projects, but have huge experience in qualitative researches also.

  • Mrs. Gabriela Nalepa, fieldwork team manager of ABM Fast Solutions, master degree in Sociology (2011) , on the market of research services operates since 2010, she has coordinated about 120 social and market research projects, often nationwide. Experience in research gained working for polish PR agency and providing fieldwork services with ABM Fast Solutions for many polish research and consulting companies and global research agencies such as PMR also. In ABM Fast Solutions responsible for research design and management of research projects (creation of research concepts; design of schedules, cost estimates and research tools; quality control of field surveys; training of CATI interviewers and mystery shopping auditors. Specializes in coordination of CATI techniques and mystery shopping projects.

  • Mrs. Ewelina Dulska,research and analysis specialist in ABM Fast Solutions, master degree in Sociology (2009) , on the market of research services operates since 2005. She has huge experience in desk research, analyzes and reporting, but also coordinated dozens social and market research projects and gained experience working for consulting companies and University of Rzeszów. In ABM Fast Solutions she is responsible mostly for desk research, quantitative research design and analytics in SPSS and Statistica. Often supports management of research projects – especially mystery shopping. Valuable experience gathered from many years in moderation of qualitative research and Atlas.ti analysis allows her to moderate of interviews with difficult categories of respondents.



  • Mr. Krzysztof Piróg, research team coordinator in the proposed project, PhD in Sociology, quantitative research & methodology expert in ABM Fast Solutions, lecturer and researcher at Institute of Sociology of University of Rzeszów since 2009, participated in over 50 research projects carried out at the request of such institutions at the national (including ministries) and regional levels, since 2013 permanent consultant and member of the ABM Fast Solutions research team, owner of IBERiS Institute for Market and Social Evaluation Research, former Board Member of the Polish Evaluation Society. Extensive experience in research design for market, social and scientific projects, many of including random samplings, also in his own scientific researches; “Attitudes of school youth towards the past and history of Poland in the 20th century” (2016) carried on national sample of 3774 respondents with probability sampling and Rzeszów City social diagnosis (editions 2015 and 2017) citizens sample: n=800 (in 2015), n=618 respondents (in 2017).

  • Mr. Bogdan Wierzbinski (PhD.): academic, researcher at Faculty of Economics University of Rzeszow, Department of Marketing and Entrepreneurship. Experience in scientific research on SME’s. Knowledge about local and European business environmental problems, over-the-border interfirm collaboration. Year 2001- PhD. (Economic Sciences) at Warsaw University of Life Sciences; Year 2005-8, Vice-dean at Faculty of Economics University of Rzeszow (Students Affairs); Since 2008, Vice-dean at Faculty of Economics University of Rzeszow (Foreign Cooperation and Development). Author of about 50 scientific articles. He has delivered many hours of seminars and teaching at many universities across the world eg.: Söderntörns Högskola – University Colllege of South Stockholm (SE); University of Lyon 1(FR); Oslo University College (N); Istanbul University (TR); University of Valencia (ES); College of Charleston (Charleston, USA); University of Tennessee, (Knoxville, USA); Huddersfield – University of Huddersfield (UK); Nankai University (Tianjin, Chiny). Member of Managment Committee of Association of Economic Universities of South and Eastern Europe and the Black Sea Region (ASECU – Greece, Thesaloniki which includes 46 economics universities from 14 countries (www.asecu.gr), visiting professor at Staffordshire University (UK), member of European International Business Academy (EIBA).

  • Mr. Hubert KotarskiPhD in Sociology, academic teacher and vice-dean at Institute of Sociology of University of Rzeszów (since 2004), expert on issues and methodology of market and opinion research, with particular emphasis on issues related to the labor market, social capital and human capital, as well as territorial marketing, Member of the European Sociological Association (ESA), Member of the Polish Sociological Society (PTS), Member of the Regional Studies Association (RSA).


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